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CLI Information
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* Copyright 1987 by 4th Works, Inc. *
* written by Steve Ahlstrom and Dan Moore *
* Support for this program to be found on CompuServe's AmigaForum *
This program is not public domain. It is a freely distributable
copyrighted program with the following conditions:
1) The program and data files must be distributed in the exact
form and content as they were found on the original source of
distribution (AmigaForum on CompuServe).
2) A seperate file, meant to be incorporated into the manual file,
may be included in the distribution ARC file.
3) Any form of commercial sales of this program is specifically
denied with the exception of those user groups or entities
selling "Public Domain Program Disks". If this program is
included in such a collection, the disk containing this
program may not sell for more than $8.00 (US currency).
Arc ---- Archive utility, Version 0.23
ARC {amufdxerplvtc}[bswn][g<password>] <archive> [<filename> . . .]
a = add files to archive
m = move files to archive
u = update files in archive
f = freshen files in archive
d = delete files from archive
x,e = extract files from archive
p = copy files from archive to standard output
l = list files in archive
v = verbose listing of files in archive
t = test archive integrity
c = convert entry to new packing method
b = retain backup copy of archive
s = suppress compression (store only)
w = suppress warning messages
n = suppress notes and comments
g = Encrypt/decrypt archive entry
Help -- An online help facility
Help command_name
command_name Name of the command or function for which you are
seeking help. Example: HELP ARC.
Since AmigaDOS is case insensitive, Help is also
case insensitive.
Copyright 1987 by 4th Works, Inc.
This program is not public domain. It is a freely distributable
program with the following conditions:
1) The program and data files must be distributed in the exact
form and content as they were found on the original source of
distribution (AmigaForum on CompuServe).
2) A seperate file, meant to be incorporated into the manual file,
may be included in the distribution ARC file.
Support for this program to be found exclusively on AmigaForum on CompuServe
Assign - assign a logical device name to a filing system directory.
ASSIGN [[<name>]<dir>] [LIST]
ASSIGN with no parameter s or with the LIST switch ("ASSIGN LIST")
displays all current assignments. To remove the assignment, just give
<name> by itself.
ASSIGN sources: ram:work/game --
a "CD sources:" will put you in the ram:work/game directory.
ASSIGN sources: --
this will remove the assignment of "sources:" to "ram:work/game"
Break - set the break flag
BREAK <task> [ALL] [C] [D] [E] [F]
BREAK sets the specified attention flags in the process. C sets the
CTRL-C flag, D sets the CTRL-D flag, etc. AmigaDOS only sets the
CRTL-C flag. If the program is not written to look for these attention
flags, the process will continue to run until normal termination.
BREAK 7 sets the CTRL-C attention flag of process 7.
BREAK 5 D sets the CTRL-D attention flag of process 5.
BREAK 3 D E sets both CTRL-D and CTRL-E in process 3.
BREAK 4 ALL sets all frags in process 4.
CD - changes the current default directory or drive.
CD [<dir>]
CD with no parameters displays the name of the current directory.
"CD TEST" will change the current directory to TEST if test exists as a
subdirectory in the current directory.
If you are in a subdirectory, "CD /" will move you up one level, "CD //"
will move you up 2 levels, etc.
"CD :" will move you to the root directory of the logged drive.
"CD dfn:" sets the current drive to dfn: and the current directory to
the root directory of dfn:
"CD df1:work" sets the current directory to 'work' on disk 'df1:' and
sets current drive to df1:.
Copy - copy a file or directory from one place to another
COPY [[FROM] <name>] [TO] <name>] [ALL] [QUIET]
Copy places a copy of the file or directory specified as TO.
If you specify a directory name as FROM, COPY copies all the files in
the FROM directory to the TO directory. The TO directory must exist.
If you specify ALL, COPY also copies the files in any subdirectories.
It automatically creates subdirectories in the TO directory as needed.
COPY FROM file1 TO :work/file2 COPY file1 TO :work/file2
COPY file1 :work/file2 COPY :wrk :work ALL
ADDBUFFERS - adds cache buffers to disk to reduce access time
ADDBUFFERS <drive> <##>
DOS 1.2 uses disk sector caching in memory to speed up disk accesses.
This command allows the user to significantly increase the access
times. The amount of available RAM will be decreased by approximately
500 bytes for each buffer added.
NOTE: Adding more than 25-30 buffers will not enhance speed greatly.
This will add 12 disk cache buffers drive DF0:
DATE -- display or set the system date.
DATE [<date>] [<time>] [TO|VER <name>]
DATE with no parameters displays the currently set system date and time.
Time is displayed using a 24-hour clock. The earliest date which can be
set is 01-JAN-78.
<date> is of the form DD-MMM-YY, with MMM being the first three
letters of the month.
<time> is of the form HH:MM (i.e. HOURS:MINUTES). Use leading zeros.
DATE -- displays the current date and time.
DATE 16:30 14-Feb-87 -- set date to Wednesday, Feb. 14, 1987 at 4:30 PM.
DATE 16:30 -- set time only to 4:30 PM.
DATE 14-Feb-87 -- set date only to Feb. 14, 1987
DELETE - deletes specified files or directories.
DELETE <name> [<name> ...] [ALL] [QUIET]
<name> Any file or directory name. Patterns may also be used to
specify the filename or directory levels, and/or files.
ALL If ALL is specified with a directory name, DELETE will
delete all files in that directory and it's subdirectories.
Otherwise, a directory must be empty to be deleted.
QUIET Do not display names of files being deleted.
DELETE work/file1 work/file2 work --
deletes "file1" and "file2" from the directory "work" and then
deletes the directory "work".
DELETE DF1:#?.txt ALL -- deletes all files on DF1: ending in ".txt".
DIR - display a sorted directory listing.
DIR [<name>] [OPT A | I | A I | D | K]
Provides a list of the files in a directory in sorted order.
<name> Must be a directory name. If omitted, the files in the current
directory will be displayed.
OPT is a keyword that passes options to DIR.
A - option is used to include any subdirectories below the
specified one in the list. Each sublist of files is indented.
D - when this option is used, only directory names will be listed.
DIR -- lists the files in the default directory.
lists all directories, subdirectories, and files on "DF1:"
DIR RAM: OPT D -- lists all directory names on "RAM:".
ECHO - displays the text string given.
ECHO <string>
Echo writes the single string argument to the current output stream,
which can be a file or a device. Normally this is only useful within
a command sequence or as part of a RUN command. If the string is given
incorrectly, an error is displayed. The string must be enclosed in
quotes ("").
ECHO "" -- this will display a blank line to the screen.
ECHO "Please insert the test disk in the internal drive..." --
is a typical prompt for user action from within a command sequence.
BINDDRIVERS - allows user to bind device drivers for new hardware to DOS
(usually used as a batch command in the "s/startup-sequence" boot file)
This command is used to connect new hardware to AmigaDOS. The way this
is done is to bind the device driver software provided with the hardware
into Workbench. Then when the user selects the device's icon, DOS will
use the driver to access the device. BINDDRIVERS will cause DOS to bind
in ANY new drivers that it finds in the directory "SYS:Expansion".
Copy the device driver to the "SYS:Expansion" directory.
Add the BINDDRIVERS command to the file "s/startup-sequence", which
will be automatically executed whenever you boot DOS.
DISKCOPY - copies the contents of one 3.5" diskette to another.
DISKCOPY [FROM] <disk> TO <disk> [NAME <disk>]
DISKCOPY copies the entire contents of the disk you specified as FROM,
overwriting the previous contents of the entire disk specified as TO.
If you specify NAME, the new disk is renamed. If needed, the TO disk
will be formatted as it is copied. If the TO disk contains data before
the DISKCOPY, it will be lost. Once the command is entered, you are
prompted to insert the source and destination disks. If you do not
specify a <NAME> for the destination disk, the new disk will have the
same name.
copies the disk in drive DF0: using only one drive with new name
DISKCHANGE - indicates that the disk in a 5-1/4" drive has been changed
Unlike the Amiga's 3-1/2" drives, which keep checking to see if a disk
has been changed in the drive, the Amiga 5-1/4" drive just sits there.
It doesn' t let DOS know whether you've swapped disks or not. This
command should be used whenever you change the disk in the drive.
tells DOS that you just swapped the disk in drive DF3: for another
ED - a full-screen ASCII text editor (mouse not supported).
ED [FROM] <name> [SIZE <n>]
A very simple full-screen editor used to create/modify ASCII text files.
<name> Specifies the file you wish to edit. If the FROM filename does
not exist, AmigaDOS creates a new file. The keyword FROM is
SIZE The complete file you are editing is held in memory. The default
workspace size i s 40,000 bytes. To alter the workspace, a
suitable value (in bytes) is specified after the SIZE keyword.
ED df1:practice/test --
edits the file "DF1:practice/test".
ED "My File" SIZE 60000 --
edits a large file named "My File" in the current directory,
using a memory workspace of 60,000 bytes (or characters).
EDIT - a line-oriented ASCII text editor.
EDIT [FROM] <name> [TO <name>] [WITH <name>] [VER <name>] [OPT <option>]
A line-at-a-time editor used to modify ASCII text files.
FROM Specifies an existing file you wish to edit.
TO TO is the output filename, if different from the input FROM
filename. If a TO filename is given, the FROM file is not changed.
WITH specifies a file containing EDIT commands to be used in this EDIT
session. If WITH is omitted, EDIT will read commands from the
the terminal.
VER editor messages are output to the file specified. If the
VER name is omitted, the output is sent to the terminal.
OPT specifies editor options. P# sets the max # of previous lines
(default=40). W# sets the max line width (default=120).
EDIT Practice/Test TO Practice/Newtest --
edits the file "Practice/Test" the edited result being saved to
"Practice/Newtest". "Practice/Test" remains unchanged.
ChangeTaskPri - changes the time-slice priority of the current CLI
ChangeTaskPri <##>
This command changes the CPU time allocation priority with which DOS
treats the current CLI window task. Normal task priority is 0. Priority
should be changed to a positive number to increase it and to a negative
number to decrease it. The maximum priority values are +127 to -127,
but you should keep user tasks between +5 and -5 to avoid interfering
with DOS tasks; e.g. Intuition runs at priority 10.
Tasks which are run from the changed CLI will also operate at the higher,
or lower, priority.
ChangeTaskPri 2 --
this will give the CLI task where the command is given, as well
as all successive programs running under it, a slightly higher
priority than regular tasks. This means that DOS will allocate
more CPU time to tasks running under this CLI than others.
DISKDOCTOR - fixes corrupted disks with soft errors (not defects!)
Whenever a diskette is inserted in a 3-1/2" drive, DOS attempts to
verify whether the disk is valid. If DOS fails to validate the disk,
it will let you know. So that you don't lose all your information on
the disk, you should try to restore the disk using this command. If
DISKDOCTOR fails, the error is likely a physical defect!
This will temporarily restore MOST of the file structure on
DF1:. Your next step will be to format a blank disk and copy
all the files from the old disk to the new one using the COPY
command. You should reformat the old, restored disk after
COPYing off your files.
ENDCLI - ends an interactive CLI process.
ENDCLI can only be used within a n active CLI window. It closes the
CLI window and deletes the process from the list of currently executing
tasks. If the CLI was started from Workbench (using the CLI icon), you
will be returned to the Workbench. If you used NEWCLI to open the
current CLI from a previous one, then you will be returned to that
previous CLI. Note that if you do not have Workbench loaded, then
ending the startup CLI with no other CLI open gives you no way doing
anything else other than rebooting using CTRL-AMIGA-AMIGA.
RUN - executes a command as a background process.
RUN <command>
RUN creates a non-interactive Command Line Interface (CLI) process.
The background CLI executes the commands then deletes itself. The
new CLI has the same command stack size as the CLI from which you
executed RUN.
The background CLI commands will be executed simultaneously with
commands given in the foreground CLI window.
A plus sign <+>, followed by a <RETURN>, i s used to separate
multiple commands. However, a better method would be to create a
command sequence file (see the EXECUTE command), then RUN EXECUTE
the sequence.
RUN "Sample" --
will execute the user application program "Sample" as a
background task.
SETMAP - changes the keyboard definition map being used
SETMAP <file>
This command let's the user choose a different keyboard setup.
SETMAP :devs/keymaps/gb --
sets the keyboard to the keymap for Great Britain.
SETMAP usa --
resets to the default USA keymap (resident in DOS, not on disk).
RELABEL - changes the volume name of a diskette.
RELABEL [DRIVE] <drive> [NAME] <name>
RELABEL changes the volume name of a disk to the name you specify.
Volume names are set when you initialize a disk using Workbench or
FORMAT, and may also be changed with Rename [Workbench menu]. The
max length is 30.
RELABEL df1: "Data Disk Backup" --
gives the name "Data Disk Backup" to the disk currently in drive
VERSION - shows the current version numbers for KickStart and for WorkBench
VERSION will display the current version numbers for the KickStart and
WorkBench code loaded. For example, KickStart 1.0 has a version number
of 29, while the version number for KickStart 1.1 is 31 and if you are
using DOS 1.2, the version number for KickStart 1.2 is 33.
WHY - explains why the previous command failed (if it did).
When a command fails, a brief message that something went wrong is
usually displayed on the screen, or else the screen is flashed by
AmigaDOS. If you enter WHY immediately after the failure, a message
describing in somewhat more detail what sent wrong will be displayed.
you've entered: TYPE DF1:
Amiga responds: cannot open DF1:
you enter: WHY
Amiga responds: Last command failed because object not of
required type.
JOIN - concatenates up to 15 files to form a new file.
JOIN <name> <name> [<name>...] AS <name>
Each of the specified files is appended to the last in the order
listed on the command line and output into the AS file.
JOIN part1 part2 part3 part4 AS book --
joins the four files together in the order listed, with the
combined file being placed in "book". The four original files
remain unchanged.
FAULT - display a message about the fault codes supplied.
FAULT [<n>...]
AmigaDOS looks up the fault codes and displays the corresponding
messages. Up to ten messages may be displayed. Codes must be
separated by spaces.
FAULT 103 221 218 --
displays the messages for fault conditions 103, 221, and 218.
FORMAT - formats and initializes a new 3.5 inch disk.
FORMAT DRIVE <drivename> NAME <diskname> [NOICONS]
FORMAT prepares a disk for use by AmigaDOS.
DOS 1.2 Addition: NOICONS will prevent a Trashcan icon from being added.
DRIVE Under DOS 1.2, any existing drive or partition is valid.
NAME can be any string; if it includes spaces, the whole string must
be enclosed in quotes <"">.
FORMAT DRIVE df1: NAME "1986 Taxes" --
formats and initializes the disk in drive DF0: with the name
"1986 Taxes".
formats the 5-1/4" floppy disk drive DF2: with name "Data001"
with no Trashcan icon.
ALINK - Links together sections of code into an executable file.
ALINK [FROM|ROOT] <filename> [{, <filename> ...} | {+ <filename> ...}]
[TO <name>] [WITH <name>] [LIBRARY|LIB <name>] [MAP <map>]
[XREF <name>] [WIDTH <n>]
Links sections of compiled or assembled AmigaDOS object code together
into executable program files. Handles automatic library references
and builds overlay files. The output from ALINK is a file in the proper
form to be loaded by the loader and, if necessary, run under the overlay
ALINK FROM libs/Lstartup.o+myobj TO myprog LIB libs/mylib --
links the files "libs/Lstartup" and "myobj", and produces the output
file "myprog". External references will be searched for in "libs/mylib".
ALINK myprog.o TO myprog WITH link-parms --
creates the executable program "myprog" from the object file "myprog.o",
using additional parameters supplied by the file "link-parms".
ASSEM - Assemble a program written in MC68000 assembly language.
ASSEM [PROG|FROM] <source filename> [-O|TO <object filename>]
[-V <message file>] [-L <list file>] [-H <header file>]
[-I <include list>] [-C|OPT <option>] [-E]
To use this command, you first must purchase the MC68000 assembler.
The MC68000 assembler is not provided with the Workbench disk.
This command produces a linkable object file from a text source
code file written in MC68000 assembly language.
For information on parameters and flags, see ASSEM_FLAGS.
ASSEM myprog TO myobj -L mylist -V mybugs -H myhdr -I includes/myincl1.i+
includes/myincl2.i+intuition/myincl3.i+dos/myincl4.i OPT -S -D -X --
will assemble "myprog", including header code in "myhdr", into object
file "myobj", with listing in "mylist" including a cross-referenced
global symbol table, and with error messages in "mybugs".
ASSEM_FLAGS - description of flags and parameters used by ASSEM.
Parameters which may be set are:
-O or TO <object file> the assembler will not produce any binary object
code unless this parameter is provided.
-L <list file> produces a list file containing both source and
the corresponding object code.
-V <message file> save warnings and error messages to a file
-H <header file> use to include a source code header file
-I <include list> a list of paths to files listed as INCLUDE files
within the source file.
-E <equates file> generates a header file containing the EQU
directive assignments in the source file
-C <options> one or more option "switches" may be specified
or OPT <options> to the assembler, as follows:
-S produce a complete list of symbols during assembly.
-D restrict the -S switch output to Global symbols only.
-C ignores the case of labels
-W <width> sets the size of the assembler workspace.
-X produces a cross-referenced symbol table listing.
EXECUTE - executes a file of commands (similar to batch files).
EXECUTE <sequence> [<argument>...]
EXECUTE allows you to perform a complex , pre-programmed sequence of
AmigaDOS commands. (For those already familiar with MS-DOS or PC-DOS,
it is the same as a .BAT batch file.) A command sequence is a list of
DOS commands which will be executed sequentially. There are several
AmigaDOS commands which are intended specifically for use in such
Many commands will require parameters (arguments, switches, etc.) that
are unknown ahead of time. EXECUTE allows you to include variable
parameters which are filled in when the sequence is executed.
Many AmigaDOS commands are specific to EXECUTE command files, they
EXECUTE install -- executes a script program named "install".
When a command fails, a non-zero return code is set. A return code
greater than or equal to the fail limit terminates a sequence of non-
interactive commands. The return code indicates how serious the error was
and is usually: 5 (warning), 10 (error), or 20 (fatal).
The FAILAT command is used to alter the default value fail level of 10.
The argument should be a positive integer. Upon exit from the command
sequence, the fail level is reset to the default value of 10.
If the return code value is increased, it indicates that certain classes
of error should not be regarded as fatal and that execution of subsequent
commands may proceed after an error.
The FAILAT command should be used BEFORE the commands that will be tested
for failure. If you use FAILAT without an argument, the current value of
the current fail limit will be displayed.
FILENOTE - attaches a comment or a note to a file.
FILENOTE [FILE] <file> [COMMENT] <string>
COMMENT adds an optional comment of up to 80 characters. If the comment
contains embedded spaces, it must be enclosed in quotes <"">.
When a new file is created, it does not have a comment. If you overwrite
an existing file that has a comment, the comment is retained,
If a file with a comment is copied with the command COPY, the new file
will not have the comment from the original.
FILENOTE program1 "Version 2.1 July 4, 1987" --
attaches the comment "Version 2.1 July 4, 1987" to the file
"program1". If the LIST command "LIST program1" is used, the
result will be a two-line listing of the file as follows:
program1 1341 rwed Today 12:36:51
:Version 2.1 July 4, 1987
IF - allows conditionals within a command sequence.
IF [NOT] [WARN | ERROR | FAIL | {<string> EQ <string>} | {EXISTS <name>}]
NOT processing should occur only if the test following fails.
The command MUST be followed by one of the following tests:
WARN TRUE if the immediately prior command returned a code >= 5.
ERROR TRUE if the immediately prior command returned a code >= 10.
FAIL TRUE if the immediately prior command returned a code >= 20.
<string> EQ <string> ... tests the exact equality of two strings. <string>
EXISTS <name> .......... TRUE if the file <name> exists in the specified
directory (may be part of <name>).
ERROR is meaningful only if you set FAILAT to greater than the default 10.
FAIL is only meaningful if FAILAT is set to greater than 20.
Nested IF's are terminated by the nearest enclosing ENDIF in the sequence.
The optional ELSE may provide an alternative if the specified conditions
are not met. The conditions and commands in IF and ELSE statements can
span several command lines before their corresponding ENDIFs. Indentation
is permitted.
INFO - displays a report on mounted disk devices.
Information about each mounted disk device is given as follows:
Unit.... the disk device name
Size.... total space on the disk (in Kbytes, typically 880K)
USED.... disk space allocated to files & subdir's (in 512-byte Blocks)
Free.... available free space on the disk (in Blocks)
Full.... the % space now used (i.e. USED/Size)
Errs.... number of soft disk errors detected
Status.. Read/Write or Read Only
Name.... the disk volume name
INSTALL - makes a formatted disk bootable.
<drive> the drive containing the formatted diskette to be installed.
An INSTALLed disk can be inserted at the Workbench prompt (after
KICKSTARTing the Amiga) to "boot" the system. The only possible drive
names are DF0:, DF1:, DF2:, and DF3:.
No files are copied to the disk during installation. If you want to be
able to execute AmigaDOS commands after booting, you must copy the "c"
subdirectory from your Workbench disk onto the disk you have INSTALLED.
You will probably also need the other workbench directories as well.
makes the disk in drive "df1:" a bootable disk. To add all the
Workbench files to the disk, you would use the COPY command.
LIST - list specified information about a directory or file.
LIST [DIR] <dir> [P|PAT=<pattern>] [KEYS] [DATES] [NODATES]
[TO <name>] [S <string>] [SINCE <date>] [UPTO <date>] [QUICK]
LIST with no options will display:
filename size protection date time
There are three options for the <dir> argument to the DIR keyword:
(1) if a filename is specified, information for that file will be displayed;
(2) if a directory name is given, the file information for all files and
subdirectories within that directory will be displayed;
(3) if the <dir> argument is omitted, information about files and
subdirectories within the current directory will displayed.
Other LIST options available:
P <pattern> searches for files whose name matches the specified pattern.
KEYS displays the block number of each file header or directory.
SINCE <date> displays only the files last update ON OR AFTER <date>.
UPTO <date> displays only files last updated ON OR BEFORE <date>.
MAKEDIR - creates a new subdirectory.
MAKEDIR creates a directory with the name you specify. Only one directory
can be created at a time, so if you wish to create a subdirectory within a
directory, that parent directory must exist or be created first.
The directory will not be created if a directory or file with the same
name already exists in the directory above it in the heirarchy. You can,
however, have two with the same name within two different directories.
MAKEDIR :map --
creates a directory named "map" in the default root directory.
MAKEDIR DF1:sheets --
creates a directory "sheets" in on drive DF1:.
MAKEDIR "DF1:budget/work sheets" --
creates a subdirectory "work sheets" the parent directory "budget"
on drive DF1:. The directory "budget" must already exist.
MOUNT - install a new hardware device name into DOS (not WorkBench)
MOUNT <devicename>
This command installs a new hardware device into DOS's device tables.
In most cases, the hardware will be supplied with a mounting disk
containing a "mountlist" file which must be added to the file
"SYS:devs/Mountlist". The default Mountlist file on your DOS disk
contains an example device specification for a 5.25" disk drive and
for a serial device (the handler is NOT supplied for the example).
You will probably include MOUNT commands in your "s/startup-sequence"
boot file. This will install the devices at power-up.
(1) Copy the device handler to the "l:" directory.
(2) Add the device's mountlist to the "SYS:devs/Mountlist" file.
(3) Add the command "MOUNT <device-name>" to the file "s/startup-sequence".
PROMPT - changes the prompt in the current CLI.
PROMPT [<prompt>]
The prompt is set to the string you supply. The special character
combination <%N> in the prompt string is displayed as the CLI's process
number. If a parameter is not given, the prompt is reset to the standard
string "%N> ". Note the space included after the > symbol!
PROMPT -- resets the current prompt to "%N> ".
PROMPT "Current Process is #%N. Command? " --
resets the CLI prompt to "Current Process is #n. Command? " where
n is the current process number. If the CLI's process were #4, the
resulting prompt would appear as:
Current Process is #4. Command? _
The underscore character above is positioned where the cursor would be.
READ - download development files over serial or parallel port.
READ [TO] <name> [SERIAL]
This command allows the user to download specially formatted files over
the serial or parallel port. If SERIAL is specified, then data is read
at the current Preferences data speed. Otherwise data is read from the
parallel port.
The file to be downloaded must be converted into the format of a
two-digit hex code for each byte in the file BEFORE it is read.
Use the CONVERT command supplied with your cross-development system.
then transfer it to the Amiga at 9600 bps.
On the Amiga, you enter:
READ DF1:PROGRAM SERIAL, then start output from the IBM-PC.
RENAME - changes the name of a file or directory.
RENAME [FROM] <name> [TO|AS] <name>
RENAME changes the name of the FROM file or directory to the specified
TO name. If you already have a file with exactly the same name as the
TO file, RENAME won't work.
RENAME can also be used to MOVE a file into another directory.
RENAME cannot be used to change the case of the letters in a file name;
(i.e. "RENAME jones TO Jones" will not work).
RENAME Demo1 Demonstration --
changes the name of the file "Demo1" to "Demonstration".
The contents of the file remain the same.
QUIT - exit from a command sequence with a given error code.
QUIT [<returncode>]
QUIT exits the current command sequence with a error return code.
The default return code is zero.
If the last command was in error (code >=5), this terminates the
command sequence with return code 20.
PROTECT - sets a file's protection status.
PROTECT [FILE] <filename> [[FLAGS] <status>]
The keyword FLAGS has four options: <rwed>, where...
r = read e = execute
w = write d = delete
If a flag is set, that option is NOT protected. If it is omitted, then
protection is set. The keyword FLAGS itself is optional; omitting it does
not change the effect of the command. To check the current protection
status of a file, use the LIST command.
PROTECT report1 r
sets the protection status of "report1" as read only.
PROTECT report2
resets all the protection flags of the file "report2" to unprotected.
SKIP - perform a jump in a command sequence.
SKIP <label>
SKIP is used in conjunction with LAB. SKIP will read through the command
file looking for a label you defined with LAB, without executing any
commands. SKIP will only jump forward in the command sequence.
SKIP can be used with or without a label. Without one, it finds the next
unnamed LAB command. With one, it will look for a LAB defining the
specified label. LAB must be the first item on a line of the file. If
SKIP does not find the label you specified, the sequence terminates and
the following message is displayed: "label "<label>" not found by Skip."
used alone jumps to the next LAB command that does not have
a name following it.
NEWCLI - opens a new interactive CLI process and creates a console
window for input and output.
NEWCLI [<window>] [FROM <startup-file>]
A new CLI window is created, which becomes the currently selected process.
Each CLI window is independent, allowing separate & nearly simultaneous
input, output, and program execution.
NEWCLI -- creates a new CLI process in a window of default size &
NEWCLI "CON:20/30/300/100/Tom's Custom CLI" --
The quotes <""> around the window argument allows the title to
contain spaces.
NEWCLI FROM ExecFile [ DOS 1.2 ONLY! ] --
this will open a default CLI window, and will begin EXECUTEing
SETDATE - updates the date and time assigned to a file or directory
SETDATE <file> <date> [<time>]
This command let's the user set the date and time of a file.
<file> the filename to receive a date change.
<date> a date specified in the standard Amiga format: ##-LLL-##,
the first two digits are the month; (1-9) must be 01-09;
the second three letters are the month code;
the last two digits are the year;
<time> this is the time in 24-hour format: ##:##, representing
hours and minutes.
SETDATE TempFile 01-Jan-88 13:07 --
this sets the date and time on file "TempFile" in the current
PATH - specifies which directories to search in for CLI commands
PATH [SHOW] | [ADD <dir>,<dir>,...] | [RESET <dir>,...]
When a DOS command is given in the CLI, the current directory is searched
for the command. If the command isn't found, the next directory in the
path will be searched. Ultimately, the "c:" directory is searched.
<dir> this is a directory name, including drive or disk name if needed.
SHOW this option will display the current path.
ADD this mutually exclusive option lets you add the specified directory
or directories to the current path.
RESET this option, also mutually exclusive, lets you remove the specified
directories from the current path. If no directory is supplied, the
path is reset to the default DOS path: Current Directory, C:
PATH ADD DataFiles,Utilities --
adds the directories "DataFiles" and "Utilities" to the current command
search path.
SEARCH - looks for a text string in all the files in a directory.
SEARCH [FROM] <name>|<pattern> [SEARCH] <string> [ALL]
<name> a filename, including directories;
<pattern> a generalized form of filename specification
SEARCH looks through the FROM file (or, if only a directory is specified,
all files in that directory) for occurences of the SEARCH string. If ALL
is added, then all the subdirectories contained in the specified directory
are searched. When the SEARCH string is found, the line where it occurred
is displayed. As each file is being searched, its name is displayed to the
screen. The search is non-case sensitive.
SEARCH SEARCH "Test #86" --
searches the default directory for file containing the string
"Test #86".
SORT - alphabetically sorts a specified file.
SORT [FROM] <name> [TO] <name> [COLSTART <n>]
WARNING: If the file is longer than about 150 records (lines) , you
should increase Stack size. Estimate an additional 1000 bytes of Stack
for each additional 50 records (lines) in the file.
Does a simple, ascending-order, alphabetic sort of the FROM file into
the TO file, without distinguishing between upper and lower cases.
Each record in the file to be sorted must end with a carriage return.
COLSTART this keyword can be used to specify the first column where the
comparison will take place.
SORT Pre-Registered TO "Class Roster" COLSTART 16 --
"Pre-Registered" is a list of students with first names in columns
1-15 and last names beginning in column 16. In this example, the names
would be sorted in order of last names, with each group of identical
last names being subsorted by the first name.
STACK - sets the stack size for commands.
STACK [<size>]
When a program is run, it uses a certain amount of stack space. The
normal stack size is 4000 bytes, which is sufficient in most cases.
When using some programs, you may need to increase the stack size to
prevent a crash. To do this, type STACK followed by the new stack
size in bytes. A value from 8000 to 10000 is usually adequate.
STACK alone displays the currently set stack size.
WARNING: The only indication that you have run out of stack is that
the Amiga crashes. It is better to overestimate if you are not sure.
STACK -- displays the current stack size.
STACK 16000 --
sets the stack size to 16000 bytes.
STATUS - displays information about existing CLI processes.
STATUS [<process>] [FULL] [TCB] [SEGS] [CLI|ALL]
STATUS without any parameters lists the numbers of the CLI processes
and the program tasks running in each.
<process> specifies a process number and only gives information about
that process. Otherwise, information is displayed about all
FULL = SEGS + TCB + CLI flags
SEGS displays the names of the sections on the segment list of each
TCB displays information about the priority, stacksize, and global
vector size of each process.
CLI or ALL identifies Command Line Interface processes and displays the
section name(s) of the currently loaded command.
displays full information about task #4 in the current CLI window.
TYPE - type a text file, or type a file out as hexadecimal numbers.
TYPE [FROM] <name> [[TO] <name>] [OPT N|H]
TO <name> with this optional keyword, you can send the output of the
TYPE command to a specified file. If an output file is
not specified the output is usually sent to current window.
OPT this keyword lets you specify one of two available options:
N ... line numbers will be included in the output.
H ... each byte will be output as a hex number, as well as ASCII. If
TYPE sales/report1 --
displays the text file "report1" in the subdirectory "sales"
TYPE program1 program1hex OPT H --
writes out the code stored in "program1" in hexadecimal and ASCII
and stores it in the file "program1hex".
WAIT - wait for a specified amount of time.
WAIT <n> [SEC|SECS] [<m> MIN|MINS] [UNTIL <time>]
WAIT can be used in command sequences or after RUN to wait for a
certain period, or to wait until a certain time of day. The waiting
time is one second unless you specify otherwise.
The keywords SECS and MINS may follow or precede the amounts.
Use the keyword UNTIL to wait until a specific time of day, given in
the format HH:MM.
WAIT -- waits one second.
WAIT 15 -- waits for 15 seconds.
WAIT 30 MINS -- waits for 30 minutes.
WAIT UNTIL 14:30 -- waits until 2:30 p.m.